Women and Money

Women & Money

Women & Money: Mastering the Struggle
If you are a woman wanting to know how to take control of your finances, create wealth for your future and become financially independent, then Women & Money: Mastering The Struggle is a must-read.

A successful professional and investor, Janet Xuccoa shares financial insights revealing how money works and what is required when investing in assets that create financial wellbeing.

This book will teach you how to:

  • Adopt a whole-life approach to money and wealth;
  • Navigate money relationships with yourself and your partner;
  • Effectively manage money flows;
  • Create your own financial retirement plan.

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Book Review
“Women & Money: Mastering the Struggle by Janet Xuccoa
Janet Xuccoa is an author and financial expert who has spent over 30 years helping people with their finances. Her latest book, Women & Money: Mastering the Struggle, is clearly targeted at women who want to take control of their finances.

It is a comprehensive book covering everything from adopting a whole-life approach to money and wealth, talking to your partner about money, and managing money flow. It has chapters on creating a financial retirement plan, investing in superannuation and managed funds, selecting insurance policies, and buying a business or investing in shares. There is information about purchasing an investment property, borrowing money effectively and putting legal safeguards in place.

Janet encourages all women to manage their own finances and not give control to someone else, and she’s written bit-sized chapters that allow the reader to jump into the chapters that are most relevant to them, so you don’t have to read the book cover to cover to get the information you need. It’s clear that Janet is well qualified to write this book, and her passion for helping women overcome financial struggle shines through.

This is a must-have book for all women, I’ve got multiple post-it notes in my copy, and it is easy to see where I have done well with some financial decisions, but many areas I could do better or have never thought about. Janet has written this book with the aim of readers having a ‘life of financial peace, security and ease for yourself and your loved ones.’ Women & Money is a well-written, easy-to-use guide for managing your finances that will be a go-to for many people. Janet has shared her knowledge very generously. The case studies that appear in the book help break down the material in a very personal and human way that makes it relevant and informative. “

Reviewer: Karen McMillan – Lighthouse