The Three Pillars Of Risk When it comes to knowing where to invest and seeking financial advice from a qualified Investment Adviser, there is generally a lot of focus placed on a client’s Risk Profile….
Browsing CategoryProperty
Buying & selling property in the current market -September
Buying & selling property in the current market -September There has been plenty of talk in the media about how the market has slowed and how property prices have dropped, but what isn’t being reported…
Buying & Selling Property in The Current Market August 2022
Buying & Selling Property in The Current Market August 2022 There has been plenty of talk in the media about how the market has slowed and how property prices have dropped, but what isn’t being…
What’s The Point Of Insurance & How To Identify A Financial Risk?
Insurance, at its essence, it is transferring your financial risk to a company and paying a regular premium to them for the pleasure. No one likes to pay for insurance that is a give in….
Why Use A Mortgage Broker And What Do They Actually Do?
Well let’s start this article off with getting the terminology straight. These days mortgage brokers are more often called mortgage advisers and we’ll stick with that for the remainder of the article. The change really…
How To Choose The Best Real Estate Salesperson
Michelle has a problem. She’s ready to list her property for sale but she’s not sure what real estate salesperson best matches how she wants her pride and joy to be sold. Her parents say…
The Risky Business of Investing
“There’s no such thing as no risk. There’s only the choice of what to risk and when to risk it.” – Nick Murray, Simple Wealth Inevitable Wealth I love this quote because it epitomises…
Money & Relationships – 9 Minimum Things
In my book Women & Money: Mastering the Struggle, I’ve endorsed shared financial responsibility and participation. This is healthy for all relationships. It provides a foundation upon which you can build your current and future…
Financial Windfall Life Lessons
You can view the article below or via NewsHub where the article was originally published [Original Author Priscilla Dickinson]. People who come into money, such as through an inheritance or winning Lotto, are often considered…
Setting Yourself Up for 2022
Santa’s been and gone, Christmas dinners have been eaten and a brand-new year has arrived. Synonymous with popping champagne corks ushering in the New Year, is the making of resolutions.
If one of your New Year resolutions is to be more successful with money, keep reading as these 5 pointers will help you improve your financial health in 2022.