Do I Need Health Insurance?

Do I Need Health Insurance?

In New Zealand we are supported very well for the most part with Private care through ACC and with a very good Public system, so do I need health insurance?

There are limitations to both of these; ACC is limited to accidents only and the Public system is limited to availability and to certain treatments that are covered.

ACC is a unique beast, when it works well, it is outstanding, but this is not the case for everyone.

In some cases you need an ACC advocate to support you when dealing with them.

There is also a term ACC use called ‘degeneration’.

The older you get the more likely ACC are to use this term and therefore less likely to cover an injury.

ACC is not just a Health insurance provider, they provide a wider deeper level of support, from transport, wage support, home cleaning, medications, recovery treatment, and even a shoehorn!

In all accident cases, you should use ACC in the first instance.

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Do I Need Health Insurance When We Have The Public System

The Public system is staffed by people who have chosen a career to help heal people.

The staff you encounter are overall some of the nicest, most caring humans you will come across.

They are most definitely hampered by the amount of workload, limitations on funding, systems & processes that are being overhauled across the country.*Whangarei Hospital is about to have $750mil spent on it because it is so out of date.

As New Zealanders, we have a pretty good safety net.

ACC provides cover for injures and if it is an Acute injury there is no waiting time in the Public system.

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So, why pay for Health insurance as it seems you are well covered?

It’s when you are classed as non-urgent.

Here is an extract from the 1News website in October 2022 –

In May the Government revealed waiting times were a big problem nationwide. A task force was launched to help the nearly 36,000 people waiting more than four months for specialist appointments, and another 27,000 waiting for treatment.

The numbers are staggering and if you are in this stat my sympathy is with you.

Health insurance is the same as having significant disposable savings.

It provides you the buying power to skip queues, fund all the appointments, tests and investigations needed & support your recovery.

Having this power when you need it most is such a wonderful helping hand.

Health insurance provides you the ability to get the intervention need to heal at pace to get on top of your injury or illness.

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Health insurance has many different levels depending on your budget and what level you want to claim.

Most clients want cover as soon as their GP refers them to a Specialist.

You can have cover earlier in your journey from the first appointment at your GP.

There are Health insurance plans that covers massages, prescriptions, glasses, and dental treatment, other plans cover surgery only, and there are many different plans and add-ons that you can choose.

Have an adviser do this work for you.

There are 6 major health insurance providers in New Zealand, which one fits best with you and your family?

What type of Health insurance plan within that provider is going to be the best fit for you and your family.

My recommendation is to contact your Adviser and ask what is best for me.

Jonathan Whorwood

Financial Adviser

The Insurance Supply Co Limited